The cheapest way to get from Lagos to Taraba is to drive or use a bus which costs N20,000 - N30,000 depending on the transport company and the type of bus.
By flight the distance from Lagos to Taraba is 828 km. The distance by road is 1118.4 km.
By air, the time is approximately 8h 54m to get to Taraba from Lagos. But by bus, It takes approximately 12h 45m to get to Taraba from Lagos.
The fastest way to get to Taraba from Lagos is to fly from your departure city airport o Jalingo airport.
Currently, there is no direct flight from Lagos Airport (LOS) to Taraba. However, you can fly to Jos then take the taxi to Jalingo. Alternatively, you can fly to Yola then take the taxi to Jalingo.
Yes, Taraba state does have an Airport. Jalingo Airport renamed Danbaba Danfulani Suntai Airport is a publicly owned airport located in Jalingo, the capital city of Taraba State.
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