Transport Cost Checker

Check Schedules, Compare Prices, Find Cheap Bus, Train & Flight Tickets.

How it works

Welcome to, a web-based tool that helps simplify your travel experience and makes sure you stay within your budget by providing you with the current cost of travel by all travel agencies through all modes of transportation for all routes, within your country, continent, and across the globe.

Ready To Get Started??

1. Select Travel Type

Select your type of travel, select local if you wish to travel within your country eg from one state/province to another, or select international destination if you wish to travel from one country to another.

2. Select Departure and Arrival Destination

After Selecting Your travel type, ie if your travel is within a country eg: Lagos to Abuja in Nigeria (Local) or from one country to another Country Nigeria to Ghana, or South Africa to Kenya (international).

For Local Destination:

Choose your country of residence, select the departure state, then select Arrival state, this is your travel destination.

For International Destination:

Select your departure country, select the arrival country which is your travel destination.

3. Select Your Prefered Travel Mode

After steps 1 and for local destination and international destination respectively, select your preferred travel mode.

There are three travel modes to choose from depending on your country and the travel destinations, we have Bus” that’s travel by public transport buses, or Flight, this is through the use of commercial airplanes, or by train.

Choose the appropriate mode of transportation as supported by your country of residence and the travel destinations.

4. Click the “Search” Button

After selecting your country of residence and your departure and arrival state as described above both for local or international travel, click on the search button to display all the current transportation companies’ price lists for your selected travel destination and travel mode.

It’s that easy.   If you have questions, Contact us

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