The cheapest way to get from Lagos to Osogbo is by bus, which costs about N4,000 to N7,000 depending on the transport company and type of Bus.
There is no direct flight from Lagos Airport to Osun State. But you can fly to Ilorin then take the taxi to Ikirun - a town in Osun State. Also, you can fly to Akure, Ondo state, then take a taxi to Ilesa - a town in Osun State.
Yes. As of April 2023, There is a direct train ride from Lagos to Osun State. Also, you can take the train to Ibadan then take the taxi to Ile-Ife.
By Bus, the Time it takes to get Lagos from Osogbo, Osun state is approximately 4h 11m.
The road distance is 228.9 km. The distance between Osun State and Lagos by flight is 172 km. However, The road distance is 213.7 km.
To Osogbo, the state capital, the distance between Lagos and Osogbo is 195 km.
The fastest way is flight from Lagos Airport to Ilorin Airport, this direct flight takes 55 min. Then take a taxi to osun.
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