What is the cheapest way to get from Enugu to Lagos?
The cheapest way to travel from Enugu to Lagos is to board a Bus with any of the transport companies available. it takes approximately 8 hours to get to Lagos from Enugu.
What is the fastest way to get from Enugu to Lagos?
The fastest way to get from Enugu to Lagos is to fly, though costs more than driving or taking a bus and takes approximately 1h 30m.
What is the distance between Enugu and Lagos?
By flight, the distance between Enugu and Lagos is 453 km.
By road, the distance is 556.8 km.
How do I travel from Enugu to Lagos without a car?
The best way to get from Enugu to Lagos without your car is by bus. Check out the prices for the different transport companies above.
How long does it take to get from Enugu to Lagos?
By Flight, It takes approximately 1 hour 30 minutes to get from Enugu to Lagos. However, by road, it takes a minimum of 8 hours.
Can I drive from Enugu to Lagos?
Yes, if you are comfortable driving long distances, then you can drive From Enugu to Lagos. The driving distance is 557 km and takes approximately 8 hours to drive from Enugu to Lagos.