Mbeya Express Bus ticket prices

Mbeya Express Bus Online Booking, Contact Details, Ticket Prices And Timetable

Need information regarding Mbeya Express Bus online booking, ticket prices or contact details? We’re here for you. 

Mbeya Express Bus is a popular transport company in Tanzania. It was established in the city of Mbeya, hence the name. The bus company is a sub company of the Sumry High Class Bus. Mbeya Express Bus came into existence when its head company had to close down due to several setbacks. Mbeya Express replaced Sumry High Class bus company on the many routes it plied.

Mbeya Express continues to provide quality services to residents in Tanzania. Though it doesn’t ply as many routes as it used to, such as the Dar es Salaam to Mbeya route. The bus company still transports passengers within the Sumbawanga, Rukwa and Mbeya Region.

In this piece, we’ll answer every question that comes to mind when you hear about Mbeya Express Bus, including its booking processes, contact details, address, service offerings, fleet line, ticket prices and travel schedule. Read on to learn more about this Tanzanian transport company. 

Mbeya Express Bus Tanzania

Mbeya Express Bus Online Booking

Tickets can be purchased on the date of departure at any of the bus company’s terminals. This is because the transport company is yet to provide access to online booking for its trips. However, it seems they are working towards providing these services for their customers.

Mbeya Express Bus Contact Details

For more enquiries, reach out to Mbeya Express customer support team via any of the following;

  • Phone number 1: 0719 328 949
  • Phone number 2: 0672 060 303
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Mbeya Express Fleet Line 

Mbeya express transport company operates its services with Scania bus models manufactured in Tanzania. It provides ordinary class services to its passengers. Its vehicles are equipped with recline seats, overhead reading lights, overhead luggage compartments, air conditioning units and sound system for music and announcements.

Mbeya Express Bus online booking

Mbeya Express Major Routes 

Whilst the transport company was still fully in operation, it travelled across cities and regions in Tanzania. They include;

  • Dar es Salaam to Mbeya
  • Dar es Salaam to Iringa
  • Sumbawanga to Mpanda
  • Sumbawanga to Mbeya
  • Songea to Sumbawanga 
  • Mbeya to Songea
  • Mbeya to Arusha via Chalinze

Unfortunately, the transport company’s vehicles don’t ply some of these routes again.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Is Mbeya Express fully in operation? 

Mbeya express still provides good road transport services, however, its area of operations has reduced. It no longer plies major routes such as the Dar es Salaam to Mbeya routes. Rather it provides transport services within the Mbeya, Sumbawanga and Rukwa routes.

  • How affordable are Mbeya Express Bus tickets?

Mbeya express doesn’t have an official price list but it provided the ordinary class services on its buses making it already affordable to the average person. You can get more information on its price list by reaching out to the company by the contact details stated above

  • How is Mbeya Express related to the Sunry High Class Bus company?

Mbeya Express is a child company to Sumry High Class bus, this is because the latter company faced some setbacks which led to its closure. The owners of the company then created the Mbeya express to continue providing road transport services in Tanzania.

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  • What is the travel distance between Mbeya and Dar es Salaam?

The Mbeya to Dar es Salaam trip is usually regarded as a long distance trip because the two cities are about 673 km apart.

Mbeya Express Bus ticket prices


Mbeya Express Bus is quite popular in Tanzania. Its services are of good quality and fairly affordable. Its regular passengers are looking forward to the company expanding its transport services to be as large as the Sumry High Class bus and to cover as many routes within Tanzania as possible. Also check out Scandinavia Express Bus, another Tanzanian company that used to be the largest and among the best in Tanzania. 

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